In this page we sum up the essential about the 5x5x5 cube to understand the tutorials perfectly.
Faces are the plane surfaces that contain 25 stickers. There are 6 faces.
As for the pieces of groups of pieces, we can find centres, edges and corners.
For us, centres are not the central pieces of each face, but the central 3x3-sticker surfaces that define the colour of every face. There are 6 centres, with 9 stickers each.
Likewise, we call edge to the three-piece group, with two stickers each. There are 12 edges in the cube.
Corners are the pieces containing 3 stickers. There are 8 corners.
As for the inner layers, these are named after the outer counterpart, but with lower case letters (except for M, E y S layers, which are upper case because there can be no confusion with other layers).
In English they are name as follows:
To simplify the understanding of certain algorithms, we use a matrix notation to point the position of a given piece in a given face. Said position is indicated by its row and its column, like this:
Piece position = (row, column)
Example: The piece located in the top right position is the (1,1); that means it is in row 1, column 1. Likewise, the piece located in row 3, column 2 is the piece called (3,2).
In the following pictures, red arrows indicate clockwise turns and blue arrows indicate counterclockwise turns.
Turns of outer layers
To indicate a clockwise turn, the letter of the face is written.
Example: R
To indicate a clockwise turn, the letter of the face and an apostrophe are written.
Example: R’
To indicate a double turn, the letter of the face and a number 2 are written.
Example: R2
Turns of inner layers
The turns of inner layers are indicated just like the outer layers, but using lower case letters.
Clockwise turn: r
Counterclockwise turn: r’
Double turn (180º): r2
Turns of inner and outer layers at same time
We can also turn both the inner and the outer layer at the same time; this is indicated with the upper case and the lower case letters in
Clockwise turn: (Rr)
Counterclockwise turn: (Rr)’
Double turn (180º): (Rr)2